Buttocks reduction

Buttocks reduction

Buttocks reduction procedure is a plastic surgery procedure designed to reduce the size or shape for the buttock. Buttocks are an important part of a woman’s overall beauty. In most of the cases, physical exercise and diet are not enough to maintain them firm and seductive.

Buttock reduction or butt reduction procedure is performed by liposuction.or Laser Lipolysis.

Laser lipolysis:

Laser lipolysis or Lipolaser is a minimally invasive technique designed to eliminate the accumulated fat and contract the skin, adapting it to the new contour. This treatment remodels the buttocks in effectively and with minimum trauma.

Benefits of laser lipolysis:

  • Skin retraction. The tensing effect of the laser prevents flaccidity, making the skin firm and smooth.
  • Short recovery time. The procedure is less traumatic than traditional methods, with much faster and comfortable patient recovery.
  • Reduced bleeding and bruising. The laser clots the blood vessels, which reduces bleeding and bruising.
  • Outpatient technique. There is no need for hospitalisation, so the patient can return to their normal daily routine in less time.
  • Local anaesthetic. Patient can be discharged in just an hour
  • Results: Results are visible after 1 or 2 weeks.

Buttock reduction by liposuction:

A perfect candidate for this treatment is a healthy, mentally stable non-smoker with elastic skin and a stable weight.

A buttock reduction can be carried out under general or local anaesthesia, and can be done as an outpatient procedure, or the patient can be admitted to the hospital if needed.

Throughout the next few days, the patient will feel tired and sore. Mild bruising and swelling may also occur. If the pains become strong the patient will be provided with painkillers.

Soreness and bruises should wear off during the following 2-3 weeks.

 It is also necessary for the patient to wear a special tightening garment in order to preserve the desired shape and to reduce swelling. The garment must then be worn for up to 6 weeks after the surgery.
The surgeon will advise the patient to take up light activities shortly after surgery, as this could help the healing process. Strenuous activities should, however, be avoided for the following 6 weeks after the surgery. Work may be resumed a few days after the surgery.

Aesthetic surgery of the buttocks

Cosmetic surgery

Medical services