Buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation, or gluteal augmentation, is used to improve the contour, size and/or shape of the buttocks.

There are several types of buttock augmentation procedures and surgeries available

  1. Buttock implants:

Buttock implants are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, much like those used in the breast, calf, and chest. They are made to be soft and relatively comfortable. Buttock implants are silicone-filled devices that are surgically placed deep within the tissues of the buttock

  • Buttock lift:

The tissues of the buttock area can be lifted by an incision above them. The fat under the skin can be separated and reshaped to improve the appearance. This works best if the main problem is sagging, but the overall volume of the buttock cannot be increased this way. There are also sizeable scars that may be difficult to hide in swimwear.

Buttock lift candidates include:

  • Individuals with significant soft tissue looseness in the gluteal area
    • Healthy individuals without medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery
    • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what gluteal lift surgery can accomplish
    • Nonsmokers
    • Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and fitness
  • Buttock injections:

This is a fat transfer procedure that involves harvesting of fat from other areas of the body, preparing it, and re-injecting it into the buttocks. This technique is sometimes referred to as a Brazilian Butt Lift. This provides several great benefits:

  • Significant increase in buttock size
    • Ability to shape the buttocks however the patient desires
    • Improved body contouring in the area where fat is harvested
    • Ability to perform the procedure under local anesthesia in most cases (reducing the cost by about half and avoiding the side effects of general anesthesia)

Under normal circumstances, the results of your buttock augmentation surgery will be long-lasting.

Aesthetic surgery of the buttocks

Cosmetic surgery

Medical services